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Distance Selling Agreement


Title: Puduhepa's Coffee Roastery - Melek İrem Erkuş

Phone: +90 532 588 42 84

Address: Bahariye Mahallesi 1836 Sokak No: 22/A Karşıyaka / İZMİR



Product information and fees


a) The goods subject to the Agreement shall be delivered to the CONSUMER or to the third party/institution indicated at the address provided by the CONSUMER on the WEBSITE within the specified terms and not exceeding the legal 30-day period. The SELLER sends and delivers the goods through the contracted cargo company. If there is no branch of the cargo company in the location of the CONSUMER, the CONSUMER must receive the goods from the nearest branch notified by the SELLER.
b) Unless otherwise explicitly stated, delivery costs (shipping fee, etc.) are borne by the CONSUMER. The SELLER may charge part or all of these delivery costs to the CONSUMER depending on the campaigns announced on the WEBSITE at the time of sale. In cases where the right of withdrawal is exercised for all of the goods ordered or only for part of the goods, if the (CONSUMER benefits from the) free shipping campaign minimum purchase amount is not met, the delivery/shipping fee that was not charged as part of the campaign will be deducted from the refund amount (the delivery/shipping fee paid by the CONSUMER will be refunded if applicable).
c) If the CONSUMER or the designated recipient is not present at the address at the time of delivery and the persons at the address do not accept the delivery, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation. If there is no one to accept the delivery at the address, it is the CONSUMER's responsibility to contact the cargo company and follow up on the shipment. If the goods are to be delivered to someone other than the CONSUMER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person or institution is not present at the address or refuses the delivery. In such cases, the CONSUMER will bear any damages and costs incurred due to late receipt of the goods, as well as any expenses arising from the goods being held by the cargo company and/or returned to the SELLER.
d) The CONSUMER is responsible for inspecting the goods at the time of delivery and, in case of any problem caused by the cargo, must not accept the goods and must have the cargo company prepare a report. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept responsibility.
e) Unless otherwise specified in writing by the SELLER, the CONSUMER must pay the full price of the goods before delivery. In cash sales, if the full price is not paid before delivery, or in installment sales, if the due installment amount is not paid, the SELLER may unilaterally cancel the agreement and refuse to deliver the goods. If, for any reason, the bank/finance institution to which the credit card belongs does not pay the price to the SELLER or requests a refund after the delivery of the goods, the CONSUMER must return the goods to the SELLER within 3 days at the latest. If the non-payment of the price is due to a fault or negligence of the CONSUMER, the shipping costs will be borne by the CONSUMER. The SELLER's rights to pursue the payment of the price and other contractual/legal rights remain unaffected. To avoid confusion; if the CONSUMER pays for the goods with a credit card, installment card, etc. provided by banks or financial institutions, all opportunities provided by these cards are directly provided by the issuing institution; such sales are considered cash sales by the parties to this Agreement. The SELLER's legal rights in cases considered as installment sales by law (including the right to terminate the agreement and/or demand payment of the remaining debt with default interest if installments are not paid) remain intact. In case of default by the CONSUMER, the legal default interest rate will be applied.
f) If the goods cannot be delivered within the legal maximum 30-day period due to extraordinary circumstances (weather conditions, heavy traffic, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.), the SELLER will inform the CONSUMER about the delivery. In such cases, the CONSUMER can cancel the order, order a similar product, or wait until the extraordinary situation ends.
g) If it becomes clear that the SELLER cannot provide the goods subject to the Agreement, the SELLER will inform the CONSUMER within three (3) days and obtain explicit approval (verbal/written) from the CONSUMER to provide another product/service of equal quality/price. The CONSUMER is free to give or refuse approval. If the approval is not given, the provisions related to order cancellation (termination of the Agreement) will apply.
h) In cases of order cancellations and Agreement terminations, including lawful withdrawals, if the price has been collected, it will be refunded to the CONSUMER within a maximum of 14 days. The refund will be made using the payment method used by the CONSUMER to pay the SELLER. For credit card payments, the refund will be made to the CONSUMER's credit card, and the amount will be refunded to the bank within the same period after the order is canceled by the CONSUMER; the reflection of this amount on the CONSUMER's account depends entirely on the bank's transaction process, and the SELLER cannot intervene or be held responsible for possible delays. For cash on delivery or wire transfer/EFT payment options, the refund will be made to the bank account specified by the CONSUMER (the account must be in the name of the person at the invoice address or the user member). The SELLER retains the right to deduct, discount, and reduce the refund amount in accordance with this Agreement and the law. The CONSUMER's legal rights in cases where the Agreement is terminated due to the SELLER's non-performance remain unaffected.
i) The CONSUMER can communicate their requests and complaints regarding the goods and sales using the contact channels mentioned in Article 1 of this Form, either verbally or in writing, to the SELLER.


a) The CONSUMER has the right to withdraw from this Agreement without providing any reason and without paying any penalty within fourteen (14) days from the date of receiving the goods. The withdrawal period starts on the day the CONSUMER or a third party designated by the CONSUMER receives the goods. However, the CONSUMER can also exercise the right of withdrawal during the period from the conclusion of the agreement to the delivery of the goods. For goods delivered separately as part of a single order, the withdrawal period starts on the day the CONSUMER or a third party designated by the CONSUMER receives the last goods. For goods consisting of multiple parts, the withdrawal period starts on the day the CONSUMER or a third party designated by the CONSUMER receives the last part. For agreements where goods are regularly delivered over a certain period, the withdrawal period starts on the day the CONSUMER or a third party designated by the CONSUMER receives the first goods.
b) In cases where the right of withdrawal is possible, if the CONSUMER uses the goods contrary to their functioning, technical specifications, and usage instructions during the withdrawal period, the CONSUMER is liable for any changes and deteriorations that occur. Accordingly, if there is a change or deterioration in the goods due to their use contrary to their usage instructions, technical specifications, and functioning up to the date of withdrawal, the CONSUMER may lose the right of withdrawal; in cases accepted by the SELLER, the amount of change/deterioration will be deducted from the refund amount.
c) In cases where the right of withdrawal is possible, it is sufficient for the CONSUMER to send a clear notification of their intention to withdraw to the SELLER within the legal 14-day period (to If the right is exercised within this period, the goods must be sent to the SELLER's address above within a maximum of ten (10) days. The contracted cargo companies are Yurtiçi Kargo and Aras Kargo. The goods must be returned using the same cargo company that delivered them. If the CONSUMER uses the same cargo company for the return, no cost will be charged to the CONSUMER. If the CONSUMER returns the goods using a different cargo company, the shipping cost will be borne by the CONSUMER. During the return process, the goods must be delivered complete and undamaged with their box, packaging, and standard accessories, if any; the original invoice must also be returned. For orders invoiced to institutions (legal entities), the return will not be accepted without issuing a Return Invoice.
d) Provided that the above requirements are met by the CONSUMER, the goods' price and, if any, delivery costs will be refunded to the CONSUMER within 14 days from the date the withdrawal notification reaches the SELLER, using the payment method used by the CONSUMER to purchase the goods.
e) The CONSUMER's legal rights and responsibilities regarding the goods after the withdrawal period, and the SELLER's contractual and legal collection/offset rights, including those related to reward points, gift vouchers, and free benefits, remain in effect and valid.


According to the law, there is no right of withdrawal for the following goods/services contracts, even if they are unused/untapped:
a) goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial markets and is beyond the control of the SELLER (such as jewelry, gold and silver items, forex investments, etc.);
b) goods prepared according to the CONSUMER's wishes or explicitly personalized;
c) goods that are perishable or may quickly expire;
d) goods that are not suitable for return due to health and hygiene reasons, if their packaging is opened by the CONSUMER;
e) goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated by nature;
f) books, digital content, and computer consumables offered in physical form if their packaging is opened by the CONSUMER;
g) goods delivered instantly to the CONSUMER or services rendered instantly in electronic environment;
h) services initiated with the CONSUMER's approval before the withdrawal period expires;
i) periodicals like newspapers and magazines except for subscription agreements; and
j) accommodation, transportation, car rental, food and drink supply, and leisure activities agreements related to services that must be carried out on a specific date or period.


In the event of disputes arising from this Agreement, CONSUMERS can submit their complaints to the Consumer Arbitration Committees within the monetary limits specified by law and to the Consumer Courts, where applicable. In disputes arising from this Agreement, up to the value announced by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, Provincial and District Consumer Arbitration Committees located at the CONSUMER's place of residence or where the purchase was made are authorized; for disputes exceeding this value, Consumer Courts are authorized. In the absence of Consumer Courts, the Civil Courts of First Instance have jurisdiction.


The BUYER acknowledges that by reading and approving this Preliminary Information Form electronically, they have undertaken the payment obligation of the order placed. This Form is bindingly applied together with the Distance Sales Agreement between the BUYER and the SELLER.

SELLER: Puduhepa's Coffee Roastery - Melek İrem Erkuş