Dear Customer,
1. Please inspect the product you purchased before accepting the delivery.2. Before accepting your package, check it for any damage or missing items. If you find any issues, do not accept the package and initiate a return/exchange request through our system, sending it back to our return address.
3. If you accepted the package without inspection and later find that it is damaged or incomplete, you must contact the courier service on the same day to have a damage report prepared. This process is mandatory and is the buyer's responsibility.
4. The return and exchange period is 14 business days from the date of purchase.
5. Products are shipped via Yurtiçi Kargo. Orders are delivered within 3-7 business days. Shipping is free for orders of 1000TL and above.
6. Orders placed after 15:00 will be processed the next day. Orders placed before 15:00 will be processed the same day.
7. Orders placed after 15:00 on Friday will be shipped on Monday.
8. There is no Cash on Delivery option for orders placed through
9. Once your order is processed and invoiced, you will receive an email. You will receive another email once your order is shipped. You can also track your order status through your account.
10. You can also transfer the payment amount to our bank accounts listed below. After making the transfer, your order will be processed as soon as possible.
Bank Account Information:
TR 4100 0100 0934 8628 6503 5001 Melek İrem ERKUŞ ZİRAAT BANKASI |
TR85 0011 1000 0000 0072 0220 60 Melek İrem ERKUŞ QNB FİNANSBANK |